Toronto Ontario
M5A 3C4
Choose an option:
Subway from the Bloor Line: Take Subway to Castle Frank station on the Bloor line. Connect to Bus 65A Parliament. Ride bus straight down Parliament. Exit at Front St. and walk one block South to Mill St.
King Streetcar: Take 504 King East Streetcar. Exit at the Distillery Loop. Cross Cherry Street at the Mill Street intersection and enter via Tank House Lane or Distillery Lane.
From Union Station: Walk 7 minutes North on Bay Street to King Street; board the 504 King East Streetcar and ride it to the Distillery Loop. Cross Cherry Street at the Mill Street intersection and enter via Tank House Lane or Distillery Lane.
Nearby The Distillery District there are multiple Bike Share Toronto locations equipped with rentable bicycles. Click here to view the Bike Share Toronto website. Search for our address (55 Mill Street) to see bicycle availability at nearby Bike Share stations.
Take GO Transit to Union Station. Connect to Fort York-Esplanade 121 Bus to Mill Street or Cherry Street.
From Union Station, the Distillery District is a pleasant 20-minute walk along the Esplanade.
Paid public parking is available across the site. Please see below for a full list of lots:
- Above ground parking along Distillery Lane (Green P #230) – accessible from Parliament Street
- Underground parking at 70 Distillery Lane, P1 Level (Green P #267) – accessible from Cherry Street
The following parking lots offer nearby off-site parking:
- Underground parking at 100 Cooperage Street (Green P #283)
- Covered surface lot at at 40 Rolling Mills Road (Green P #285)
- Underground parking lot at 83 Tannery Road (Green P #284)
- 200 Queen’s Quay East
Don Valley Parkway to Richmond St. exit, West on Richmond to Parliament, South on Parliament to Front St., then East onto Front St., South onto Trinity St.
Kingston Rd. to Eastern Ave. Then proceed to Front St. West on Front to Parliament, then South on Parliament, East onto Front St., South onto Trinity St.
Queen St. West to Parliament then South on Parliament, East onto Front St., South onto Trinity St.
427 South to QEW. QEW East to Gardiner Expressway. Take Jarvis St. exit, then North on Jarvis St. to Front St., East on Front to Parliament St. then South on Parliament, East onto Front St., South onto Trinity St.
Don Valley Parkway South to Richmond St. exit, West on Richmond to Parliament, South on Parliament, East onto Front St., South onto Trinity St.
QEW East to Gardiner Expressway. Take Jarvis St. exit, then North on Jarvis St. to Front St., East on Front to Trinity St., South onto Trinity St.